The Role of a Parent

Father Holding Child

The role of a parent is full of complex learning environments for both the parents and children. These challenges have only been further enhanced during COVID-19. Parents are always trying to do their best and this article is a reminder of the importance of continuing to learn.  At this time, we are learning the impact that our words and actions can have on children. The words we use and how we speak to them can have negative impacts which may lead to feelings of shame and guilt. This article discusses the importance of being aware of the words we use and the possible future outcomes. The author of this article states, "Parents don’t always understand the weight their words have on children. In keeping shame in mind, we must remain aware that it is important for parents to recognize that children are exploring their world and our words can help normalize or devastate our youth.”

Click here to read the full article…

Travis Brown, CSAC, Intern