Self-Soothing Techniques


Self-soothing is a coping skill that serves as a tool to create internal comfort and calmness in times of distress. Self-soothing is commonly used to alleviate anxiety, minimize the intensity of triggers and cravings, and reduce any negative emotions. Self-soothing involves being in tune with your senses, which consequently calms your nervous system and the associated symptoms.

During times of active use, it may be natural to use substances as a way to self soothe or minimize uncomfortable thoughts or emotions. Using substances only provides temporary relief and actually suppresses those emotions or thoughts that will likely rise at a later date. In essence, substance use does not serve as a healthy and effective self-soothing or coping technique.


 Other unhealthy self-soothing techniques include:

1.     Gambling

2.     Caffeine overconsumption

3.     Compulsive spending

4.     Unhealthy eating habits (over and under-eating)

5.     Poor sleeping habits (sleeping for an excessive amount of time)

6.     Overworking or lack of productivity


Self-soothing involves using our five senses to find comfort and inner peace.

1.     Touch – Finding comfort or relief through physical touch


A.   Petting an animal

B.    Snuggling up in your favorite blanket

C.    Putting on comfortable clothes (sweatshirt, sweatpants, wool socks, etc.)

D.   Running cool or warm water over your hands

E.    Squeezing a stress ball or holding a solid object (rock, clay, ring, piece of cloth, etc.)


2.     Taste – Finding comfort or relief through the taste of food or beverages


A.   Eat your favorite dessert or snack

B.   Dining out at your favorite restaurant

C.   Drinking a cup of herbal tea

D.   Drinking your favorite healthy beverage

E.    Take your time to enjoy what you are eating


3.     Smell – Finding comfort by smelling a specific scent


A.   Smell essential oils

B.    Lighting a candle

C.   The smell of food cooking or baking

D.   Think of a scent that reminds you of somewhere safe, such as your grandparent’s house or your mom’s favorite perfume


4.     Sight – Finding relief or contentment by viewing something


A.   Watching your favorite TV show or movie

B.    Laying in a field and watching the clouds go by

C.   Watching animals play with each other

D.   Look at photos or videos of loved ones

E.    Go for a drive


5.     Sound – Finding relief or enlightenment by listening to a specific sound


A.   Listening to your favorite music or song/album

B.   Listening to the sound of rain, oceans waves, birds, or any sounds of nature

C.   Listen to a podcast

D.   Listen and follow along to a guided meditation

E.    Speak aloud positive affirmations (“I am in charge of my life”, “I learn from the past”, “I act with courage and confidence”, etc.)


Desiree Falkowski, Intern