Overdose Deaths Hit Record High During Pandemic


Covid-19 has affected everyone and with the continuing lingering protocols the virus brings,
many people are feeling exhausted, tired, and sad. With shutdowns and restrictions still being
in place, many see it as never-ending. This can cause some to go into a depressed state of mind.
Combining a pandemic with a growing addiction/substance use problem leaves many communities
with their hands full.

Check out this article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that goes in-depth about the drug overdose rates during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our Executive Director, Dr. Selahattin Kurter, shares his input on this growing issue talking about why this is happening and ways to combat it. Dr. Kurter states in the article, “It’s the perfect storm. We’re seeing isolation, loneliness, and depression. Combine that with an underlying substance abuse problem, and now you have all the right combinations for an overdose.”

West Grove Clinic continues to stay open and offer both in-person and virtual appointments. It is important to realize addiction and mental health is a growing problem in all of our communities. So, we must work together to help raise awareness to best serve those in our communities who need help.