How to Maintain a Social Life When You're Quitting Drinking

In today’s society, it seems like in order to have a social life one has to drink, but that is not the case! Quitting drinking does not mean one has to give up a social life at all. There are so many different things that people can do for fun that do not include drinking. If a person does find themselves at a social event that offers alcohol, there are certain measures one has to take in order to maintain sobriety, especially early in recovery. People are often going to ask questions about why one may not be drinking or if one would like to have a drink etc. So, here are some tips on how to navigate situations like that, as well as how to potentially avoid those situations.

These include: 

  • Having an honest talk with your friends

  • Being prepared for people’s reactions

  • Going places that don’t serve alcohol

  • Developing a few go-to responses

  • Having a non-alcoholic drink on-hand

  • Thinking “fun”

  • Creating an exit excuse

  • Planning a productive morning after

  • Trying new things with your friends

  • Seeking out people who don’t drink

  • Learning from your experiences

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Marissa Duncan, Intern