How to Improve Sleep by Worrying Less


While worry can be a normal reaction to everyday stressors, it can become overwhelming and debilitating in certain situations, especially when attempting to sleep. What can one do when the worry just won’t quit? This article discusses three tips on how to turn down the worried brain and get a good night's rest. When worry controls one’s thoughts, an individual can feel stuck in it. The author of this article states, “I often want to play that worry thought over and over, as though if I just think about it long enough I will be able to solve the problem. However, the harder I try to think my way out of it, the stronger the ruminations can get, and it can even feel like a bit of an addictive loop that is very hard to escape from.” Escaping from the binds of worry is no easy feat, but it can be done with practice, perseverance, and a positive attitude.

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Rebecca Bewley, Intern