What to Do When Triggered During the Holidays


Some people enjoy the holidays while others experience the holidays as a time of stress, anxiety, emotional triggers, and pain. With the added pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic, some families are not gathering. Use this time for self-care like the gift of only doing what feels right for you. Protect yourself from outside/internal expectations from the holidays. Try to be aware of what will trigger you – if finances have been tough this year then don’t feel pressure to overdo it on gifts. Be compassionate and patient with yourself, feelings are only temporary and they will pass and most importantly you deserve to be happy (not just for the holidays) but in life too! Please reach out if you need professional help and if you are experiencing any intense emotions or struggling with suicidal thoughts please contact the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741 in the US for the Crisis Text Line.

Cohen, I. S. (2020, December 16): Click Here To Read More...

Corbin Magee, Intern