How to Accept the Fear of Change In an Ever-Changing World

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While life may have been uncertain for many of us prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, change has been inevitable this past year. Maybe you had to switch to a remote work schedule. Maybe you lost a job due to the pandemic. Maybe you had to begin homeschooling your children. Maybe you have not seen family and friends in what feels like a lifetime. Whatever the case may be, this past year has been a whirlwind of change. Although we may be conditioned as a society to push through change and be strong, it is okay to fear change. As neuroscience has suggested, it is completely normal for us as humans to resist change. There are three practical ways that one can deal with change: 1. Self-compassion 2. Mindfulness and 3. Common Humanity. Utilizing these elements may provide you with just enough of a push to get through the most difficult days of the ever-changing world.

For more, read here…

Becca Bewley, Intern