Good Sleep Hygiene

What is sleep hygiene?

This term refers to science-backed practices involving practicing healthy sleep habits. These habits are important for many reasons such as letting your body properly recover, having proper energy for the next day and boosting your overall mental health and wellness.

Poor sleep hygiene

According to the CDC, over 1/3 of Americans are not getting the 7-9 weeks that are generally recommended for the adequate health and well-being of a person. This lack of sleep can cause many significant side effects listed below:

·         Feeling tired and foggy

·         Challenges with decision making

·         Causing feelings of anxiousness or sadness

·         Slowing of reflexes

Good news!

All of this can sound pretty overwhelming but the positive to this is that there are ways to increase your healthy sleep patterns.


·         Set a consistent sleep schedule- try to get in the habit of going to sleep at the same time each night.

·         Create a relaxing routine before bed- try a warm bath, reading a book or using a sleep app such as Headspace.

·         Unplug an hour before bed- try to power off your phone or other electronics an hour before you go to sleep. This will help to promote a more relaxed state without any interruptions.


Click here for more sleep hygiene information and tips!