Positive Emotions


Positive emotions are one of the most enjoyable parts of being alive! Have you ever wondered what positive emotions are and what kind of effect they have on our lives? Also, how do we experience more of those positive emotions?

In the article, 4 of the Most Important Positive Emotions and What They Do written by Tchiki Davis, Ph.d she explains that positive emotions can be defined as pleasant multicomponent response tendencies and may contribute to positive health outcomes.

What are positive emotions?

They involve more than just our internal feelings, they also include changes in our nervous system, hormones, facial expressions, thoughts, and more. Positive emotions are short lived and are the result of an experience. Positive emotions are also closer to the forefront of our consciousness.

Benefits of Positive Emotions:

The benefits of positive emotions contribute to longevity, improved immune functions, less pain, and improved well-being. Positive emotions may even be considered synonymous with happiness.

Examples of positive emotions are:

  • Excitement: A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.

  • Delight: To take great emotional pleasure in something.

  • Astonishment: A feeling of great surprise and wonder.

  • Happiness: Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.

  • Pleased: A feeling of pride or satisfaction.

  • Content: A state of happiness and satisfaction.

  • Relaxed: A state of being at rest or ease.

  • Calm: Not excited or upset.

For more on positive emotions click here.

Grace Nye, Intern